• 400 years of here and now. Jewish life in Schleswig-Holstein

    Dauerausstellung, Jüdisches Museum Rendsburg

    Realisation: 2023
    Client: Jüdisches Museum Rendsburg

    “A Mentsh is a Mentsh” and “Judaism is more than a religion”. That’s the museums main idea – and so it shows as many facets of Jewish life as possible on 400 square meters.

    Together with the museum team, we explored the path away from a “classic” exhibition towards a “third place”, a place of information and coming together. The bright, daylight-flooded rooms, the colorful accents and the many different interactive elements make the former Talmud Torah School an inviting and entertaining place: Here you have to hit a punching bag with all your might to get information about Jewish sports clubs and clink wine glasses together to immerse yourself in Jewish festival culture. Divided into different areas, there are more introverted seats you can listen to (or read or feel through Braille) original stories from letters and reports that trace Jewish lives during the Shoah.

    References to other places of Jewish life can be found throughout the whole house: The only kosher chocolate bars in Schleswig-Holstein you find at the upper floor, and a place to ask questions - and get them answered – is located at the end of the exhibition. In collaboration with Jewish communities, students and people with disabilities who shared their stories, their wishes and, in practical terms, their ideas for acessability, an open, diverse and inclusive place was created. For every “Mentsh”.